Webinar: What Really Works in Homelessness Prevention: Lessons from Literature and the Field

Homelessness in America has decreased but there is still work to be done. What’s the evidence on what works to prevent people from becoming homeless? What have we learned from the field?

Abt Associates’ Center for Evidence-based Solutions to Homelessness held a webinar that married evidence and real-world insight. Marybeth Shinn, the primary author of a new literature synthesis on homelessness prevention, reviewed what we have learned from the research. Practitioners from three communities discussed their experience planning or implementing prevention activities, and how the evidence aligned with their work on the ground.


Marybeth Shinn
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

Tom Albanese
Community Shelter Board, Columbus, OH

Emma Hertz
Office of Housing and Community Development, Montgomery County, PA

Sarah Mahin
Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority, Los Angeles, CA

Jill Khadduri, Abt Associates

A brief summary of what was presented can be found here.

Additional Materials:

Webinar slides

EPIC program model

Entire Webinar: